Membership Services Page

Explore our various membership options designed to help in the growth of your business.


Any Firm, Individul, Partnership, Company, Corporaon, Small Scale Industry or Association, engaged or interested in Trade, Commerce, Agriculture, Industry, Mining, Transport or other mercanle pursuits is eligible for election as an Associate Member. Such member being liable to pay an Annual Subscripon as may be fixed in respect of an Associate Membership.


Any Company or corporaon engaged in Trade, Commerce, Agriculture, Industry, Mining, Transport or other mercanle pursuits shall be eligible for elecon as a Company Member.


Any Association established for the purpose of promong the interests of any section of Trade, Commerce, Agriculture, Industry or Finance, may be affiliated to Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry and join as an Affiliate Member provided that such an Association files its rules and its list of Members and the names of its office-bearers from time to time.


A company or corporation or firm which is classified under Small Scale Industry with a certificate from the Department of Industry or under the Government definition as per Industrial Development and regulation act from time to time is eligible to be an SSI Member.


Any firm or partnership in Trade, Commerce, Agriculture, Industry, Mining, Transport or other mercantile pursuits shall be eligible to be a Firm Member.


Any individual engaged in Trade, Commerce, Agriculture, Industry, Mining, Transport or other mercanle pursuits but not associated with any firm or partnership or any Company or Corporaon as Managing Partner or Managing agent or Managing Director or Secretary or Manager or Officer shall be entled to become an Individual Member.


Individuals, Firms, Partnerships, Companies, Corporations and Associations who are eligible for Ordinary Membership can be admied as Life Members at the discretion of the Managing Commiee and shall after admission, they are entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary Members during their life time. Life Member shall pay a sum equivalent to 10 times the rate of subscription in addition to the Admission Fee as applicable to all categories of Ordinary Members from time to time....

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